1st Health Datathon in Athens, Greece

The 1st Health Datathon in Greece is organized by the Athens Medical Society, the Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS) and the Hellenic Society of eHealth Services and Education. It is part of the scientific program of the 45th Annual Panhellenic Medical Conference.

Anonymized data sets from the Greek E-Prescribing System, running by the public Agency for e-Government in Social Security and Health, and the Business Intelligence System of the Ministry of Health will be available at the Datathon.

As it is the case in similar actions abroad, in the 1st Health Datathon, we will explore the possibility for different groups (such as developers, statisticians and health professionals) to collaborate on unanswered questions, both in the clinical field and in the field of management of health services.

Participants will learn and practice onsite new methods in research and innovation, based on the use of big data, open policies for health data, and their potential as tools for interdisciplinary education.

These issues are included in the EU’s 3 Os Strategy (Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World). This strategy has been adopted by our country, with relevant policies and the application of the relevant legislation after the incorporation of Directive 2013/EU. The EU is also organizing an annual EU DATATHON.

The participation in the 1st Health Datathon is free of charge.


• Thursday 16/5/2019, 10:30-14:45: Workshop/Seminar for Health Datathon (during the 45th Annual Panhellenic Medical Conference at Divani Caravel Hotel, PELLA hall). T

• Friday 17/5/2019, 14:00-20:00: Pitching for planning and setting up interdisciplinary teams of Datathon; consultation of programming topics that teams will choose to work on, with the assistance of mentors/ 1st day of work. Venue: Athens Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

• Saturday 18/5/2019, 09:00-17:00: Programming and analysis from the teams / 2nd day of work. Venue: Athens Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

• Saturday 18/5/2019 at 20:00: Award of the best teams of the 1st Health Datathon, during the Closing Ceremony of the 45thPanhellenic Medical Conference, at Divani Caravel Hotel, MAKEDONIA A hall.

Participants are invited to develop applications and interactive depictions, which will have the opportunity to provide new services and/ or use cases of the available health data to citizens, public authorities and businesses. They should use the data sets that are to be made available to them, and possibly other public data coming from EU institutions and/ or Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) too, and they will be able to link that data to other datasets.

The working language of the whole program will be Greek.